No matter what I do, it’s like Gboard is specifically avoiding it. It’ll instantly learn any bullshit word I make up like “aprifnid” but can’t type “Lemmy”. I suspect shenanigans.
deleted by creator
Right? Like fuck Google and all, but can you imagine how many absurdities would have to have happened in order for it to be blocked?
Riot games changed groovy Zilean to look like a cranked out meth head specifically because the CCP wanted drug culture to look bad. A major social media player making it slightly more difficult for their competition to be typed is not outlandish. It means Lemmy is less visible.
I think what they’re saying is that it’s POSSIBLE, but it’s not that likely that real energy was spent on making this change because Lemmy isn’t that big of a deal yet.
I’d say it’s more likely that Lemmy a term that isn’t commonly used, while also being similar to other words. So more people are trying to type out “lemme” or “Lenny” than “Lemmy”. Same reason why certain names are often misspelled on mobile
I can’t really test it myself because I don’t really use swipe typing
Aprifnid isn’t a common word either. I literally made it up.
I don’t think it’s likely that Google is trying to silence this term, but I am saying that I wouldn’t underestimate the petty lengths large organizations go to for their desired effects.
Turns out that we can actually finagle the keyboard to say Lemmy if we’re crafty about it.
Yea overall agreed
My guess for why Aprifnid worked better was because it’s not similar to other words, maybe
Yeah that’s my theory too.
A major social media player… which Google isn’t. If you look up “Lemmy” I think you’ll find plenty more information about Lemmy Kilminster than a comparatively tiny news aggregator that Google almost certainly couldn’t give a shit about. Even if they did there’s a colossal difference between a government ordering a change and corpo management trying an elaborate psy-op.
It’s good to question closed software and ask what it might be able to do, but this is full-on conspiracy theory stuff.
Are you that naive? Why are you defending Google anyway? Google most definitely has a backdoor filter to block FOSS and communist apps like Lemmy and fediverse in general. I also tested Gboard and I can’t gesture type Lemmy. This is proof Google is doing some shenanigans. And I challenge you to try it yourself, stop shilling Google dude!
Kenny Kent lent Kenny Kent lent Kenny Kent lent Levi’s left Kenny Kent lent Kenny Kent Lenny Kenny Kent Lenny
Lemmy Lemmy Lemmy Lemmy
Kenny Kent lent Kenny Kent
Lemmy Lemmy Lemmy lemmy lemmy lemmy
Lemmy lemmy lemmy. Lemmy. Kenny Kent lent
lemmy lemmy lemmy.
Lemmy lemmy lemmy lemmy lemmy lemmy
Lines in italics were typed, lines not in italics were swiped, bold was swiped then selected from the suggested word list. It took a little bit but I managed to train it to do it.
We need you in my QA department.
Nope for me it works, I’m using the openboard fork with gesture typing
Is that a privacy focused alternative? Where’s the APK?
Worth pointing out that openboard doesn’t support gesture typing. The fork I believe is talking about is:
I use this one.
This is the official package that is now unmaintained, I use the fork of one of the original devs:
It supports adding an external swipe type library, and sadly the only working one is the gboard one, that works like a charm however
It is not on fdroid (yet), so you can install it manually or using obtainium
first try on open board with gboard swipe type
Kenny Kent Kent Kent.
I can’t really try because I’ve set up the lemmyface to show up whenever I type lemmy by swiping. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I deleted “Kenny” and now it seems to do it fine if I double boop the M.
lemme lemmy lemmy lemmy lemmy, yeah seems like it works for me.
Lenny Lemme Lemmy, got it :D
Lenny Lemmy (on AnySoftKeyboard)
My first try yielded “Kelly” but was about to get “Lemmy” on my second try. I recommend trying to touch the space to the right of the “L”.
Holy shit, it worked!! Took 3 tries though.
Kelly Lent Lent Lent Lent Lenny Lent Lent Lent Lent Lenny Lent Lenny Lent Lent Kelly Lent Lenny Lenny Lent Lent Lent Lenny
Ok you win