Red Bull, they are nazis and spread fake news about conspiracy theories on their own TV network in Austria. Source
Damn we need open source redbull
There are several RedBull type generic syrups you can buy as a bag-in-box
Are there really? I have a soda stream but all the syrups I’ve seen were like diet versions of stuff. Do you have an example you can link to?
I go to Penny, a discount, for that. Varying names, same shit, way more cheap.
Don’t tell the BuyEurope movement
They know it already.
Thai know it already.
51% of the company, and it’s origin, is Thai anyway.
Is Monster still ok though?
Monster is coca cola afaik
So, based on Wikipedia, Cocola has ~15-20% stake in the company, but does not own them.
Which is to say that Coca Cola probably has the most say on anything that goes, but is not running the show.
I remember seeing it written on the can but I checked my last can at home and that doesn’t even mention coke when other brands do so I could’ve been misremembering and had pure luck be why I wasn’t technically wrong.
You can dissolve a rat into Monster within a few weeks, do you really want to drink something like that?
Is that different from any other soda? They’re all pretty acidic.
Chick-fill-A and Hobby Lobby are part of the same asshole Christian subspecies, do crazy shit like stealing/buying stolen artifacts, and being super anti-gay and anti-trans.
Oh and Chick-fil-A’s did is trash. I tried it before I learned the company sucked, not long after it first moved into Chicagoland. Not only is the chicken bland AF - including the “spicy” chicken - but they managed to somehow make waffle fries taste bleh. How the hell do you even fuck up waffle fries? I can’t understand how these assholes stay in business in the area with chicken that’s worse than what I can get at Burger King, much less any of a million small local places and chains.
Chick-fil-A is actually pretty good near me. I get them once a month or once every other month or so.
In terms of fast food, I’d definitely say there’s in the top 20% in terms of food quality.
HSBC - how many times can a bank be caught laundering dirty money and still exist?
Indeed, amazing how KYC is pointless. I feel like the finance industry is very good at packaging things in very appealing terms … yet do exactly the opposite of what it claims.
KYC is not at all pointless. It allows existing monopolise to remain entrenched.
Yes, in fact while writing my comment that’s what I had in mind, namely how can it not only do the opposite of what it claims BUT making it harder for smaller players to contest the “winners” setting up the rules. Wonderful. /s
College Board. Maker of the SAT
Fuck College Board with a rake. Seriously awful when college is already so expensive.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
“Mormons, Inc.”
GNC. The vitamin stores. They knowingly sell expired merchandise and withhold commissions from their employees.
REI. Just another corporation in a “Good Guy” costume.
Union busting, problematic supply chains, pulling PPE from staff. Hell, officially supporting Trump’s pick for Secretary of the Interior because I guess they can’t help themselves.
They’re in the middle of a board election, all members get a vote. The union endorses none of the nominees, and suggests you vote for “none of the above”.
Oh fuck I just joined their lifetime membership. Is it possible to get that money back, why is every company owned by cunts. I thought REI was a Co OP?
Don’t know about getting money back, but it is something of a coop. My link includes a recommendation to vote “withhold” in the current election, why they recommend the action, and how to do so.
Had I known this I wouldn’t have bought from REI and joined their membership.
Any thoughts on sports basement?
Knauf. They produce drywall boards, among other building materials. You probably dwell a home where these products are built in. Excerpt from linked Wikipedia article:
In 2022, after the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, Yale University published a list of companies that chose to remain active in Russia. According to this report, over 600 companies have withdrawn from Russia — but some remain. Knauf is still operating across 14 sites in Russia but has claimed to have suspended new investments.[5].
In November 2023 Ukraine listed Knauf as an International Sponsor of War for promoting mobilisation in Russia by sending its employees to the war against Ukraine.[6].
According to German public-service broadcaster ARD, Knauf has been active in collaborating with the Russian military in its construction efforts in the Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine.[7][8]Another source (German), 2024 states, that due to investigation of a news outlet, they allegedly withdrew their actions.
Withdrawal in response to ARD investigation?
Only recently, the plaster company from Lower Franconia hit the headlines because of its activities in Russia: Research by the ARD magazine “Monitor” suggested that Knauf had violated EU sanctions against Russia. Whether the withdrawal from Russia is connected to the allegations made was neither confirmed nor denied by the company to BR24 today and a press spokeswoman did not wish to comment on the matter in response to a written request.They probably wanted to have a foot in the door when it comes to rebuilding, when the war will be over finally.
Another, probably more known company is Claas, a manufacturer of farming equipment like combine harvesters and such. Another source (German), 2023 claims
The company condemns Russia’s attack on Ukraine, said Mohr. Nevertheless, Claas cannot and does not want to withdraw from one of the world’s most important agricultural regions. “Both countries are enormously important for feeding the world’s population. That’s why farming must continue there,” Mohr told the SZ newspaper, adding that harvesting machines were essential for this.
Someone needs to create a website called or something, and list off every company to boycott because of something heinous they did.
But have a score out of 10; some are worse than others.
And link to sources / fact checks.
Louis Rossmann just made something like that.
Edit: here is a link
It’s been done before with things like the Better Business Bureau.
These kinds of initiatives tend to start taking money from businesses so they get a better rating and oftentimes end up as basically an extortion racket. Though sometimes they’re just straight up bought out by big corporation and suddenly that corporation and it’s business partners get great scores.
Why am I not surprised.
I guess the website itself would be on it’s on list to avoid?
Very meta/ironic.
You the same space cowboy of YouTube video game help videos?
That website/domain seems to be available for purchase, I don’t see any relevant info. Maybe wrong link/TLD?
It was just an example. Didn’t check if it existed before typing it.
Ahhh my bad, I was a lil drunk last night and read your post very wrong haha
Uline comes to mind
They are the reason I think I severely underestimate that sucess rate of junk mail. They essentially mail me a phone book 5 times a year ro my home and my office and I have ordered exactly zero products from them ever.
It can’t be cheap to send all those catalogs, so they must work.
They really have everything to supply an office or a warehouse. Procurement can use a single vendor for almost everything they need.
It’s a solid business model.
I get that, but why the 4lb, 800-page books sent to millions of people a multiple times a year just to end up in the trash without ever being opened? 90+ percent of their orders have to be digital where they just search the website.
so they must work.
hopefully that assumption will remain until it bankrupts them.
Worked a contract job for them. Would agree.
Palantir is pretty core to the Surveillance Society in several supposedly Democratic countries. More in general just about all companies in that space such as the NSO Group makers of the Pegasus software for remote hacking of smartphones are invariably unethical
Similarly the whole business of Investment Banking is pretty unethical, and that definitely includes most Hedge Funds, the latter never being household names.
Abus. Fundamental evangelical Christians who think women’s rights are optional, used forced labor from concentration camps during WW2.
The company that makes locks?
Yup, that one. EDIT: also other stuff like bike helmets; they’ve acquired a range of other companies to broaden their portfolio. But yeah, I would say they’re best known for locks.
KPMG, Deloitte and Mc Kinsey, for reasons that include at times being both financial auditor and bookkeeping at the same time, and consultancy meaning reducing headcount no matter the cost.
I don’t really know all that much about it honestly but all I’ve heard of them, is that they get the smartest people to do the worst thing that they can get away with.
Mc Kinsey are the guys who invented and popularised the idea of executive bonuses for short term company performance and the idea of layoffs to temporarily make those companies look like they’re doing better. They’ve also consulted for all of the most evil companies in this thread while they were doing their most evil shit. They constantly do the most courpt stuff imaginable. Often their advice creates massive problems which they will then sell their services to the people cleaning up their mess.
They’ve consulted for hostile nations while being paid by the US government to give advice on how to deal with those hostile governments.
Samuel Smith Old Brewery is probably the shittiest company in the world. Or more specifically its owner, Humphrey Smith, is a full on twat. And, unlike most companies, this brewery and all associated businesses are unlimited companies, meaning that Humphrey bears full legal responsibility for everything his companies do.
Who’s Humphrey Smith? He’s an ultra rich Englishman (but no one knows his wealth size as all of his businesses are privately owned unlimited companies, so he doesn’t have to file financial reports apart from tax related stuff), he owns a pretty large part of Tadcaster town, hundreds of pubs across UK and he doesn’t give a shit about his employees, customers or people living in Tadcaster.
He has extremely strict rules for his pubs, which include no kids, no mobile phones, no TVs, etc. He regularly tours his pubs, kicks out people found using mobile phones and then fires the whole pub staff on the spot. He also blocked construction of a new bridge in Tadcaster when old one fell apart, because fuck locals.
Honestly I’m on board with the no phones TVs or kids in pubs. My favorite bars all have zero TVs.
Are you onboard kicking out customers and immediately closing the pub for every offence?
I’m ok with no tvs. Everything else about this is nuts though
Prenda law. A legal outfit that would seed porn and then sue downloaders for copyright violations. The idea being that people would settle to avoid being publicly humiliated by their porn viewing habits.